Category Archives: Medicine Cabinet

Check out these home remedies, tips, and other health related posts.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Top 10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon

For anyone who loves baking, cinnamon is a staple spice in the kitchen. Some people may describe it to have a sweet and spicy taste, but, in fact, our sense of smell probably reacts to it more than our sense of taste. It has a sweet and woody smell that makes many people think of autumn or Christmas. Cinnamon, however, can be used for much more than seasoning apple cider or spicing up cookies.
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4 Herbal Essential Oils to Help with Insomnia

4 Herbal Essential Oils to Help with Insomnia

Figuring out how to deal with insomnia only adds to the stress that is probably associated with, and responsible for, the insomnia in the first place. Most insomnia related episodes are on account of stress and the many problems that it creates, making it impossible for us to relax and sleep. If you are having trouble sleeping, there are several herbal based essential oils that can help in a lot of different ways. Each essential oil is great for a different thing, and when combined they work together to help us unwind, relax, recharge, focus and even sleep.
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30 Household Uses for Nail Polish

30 Household Uses for Nail Polish

Have you ever used nail polish for anything other than adding some color to your finger and toe nails? If not, you are missing out on all of the possibilities this product holds. Just like baking soda and vinegar, there are many creative uses for nail polish.

See for yourself by browsing this list and make sure you share your ideas and experiences by commenting below.
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