Author Archives: Mother

30 Creative DIY Ways to Plant a Garden

I love planting and I love being creative so I had a ton of fun looking for some creative ways to plant a garden.

30 Creative DIY Ways to Plant a Garden

Every other year, I have planted a garden plot that is about 50 feet wide and 100 feet long. Now that all of my kids are grown and gone though, it hardly seems necessary — especially since we spend a lot of time at our cabin during the summer months. I figured I would try to make my planting somewhat portable this year and that is what inspired me to search out all of these ideas. Of course, not all of these amazing DIY projects are portable, but they are all creative!
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Carrot Topped Cupcakes

Carrot-Topped Cupcakes Recipe

When I was planning our Easter dinner and dessert, I figured the best place to start my search was on Pinterest. While there are certain dishes I could never get away with not serving on Easter (and most holidays), I like to look for at least a little something different for dessert or side dishes.

When I was looking around Pinterest, I found quite a few adorable cupcakes. They inspired to come up with my own fun cupcakes. I figured cupcakes are always a good alternative when you have little ones, right?
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Apple Marshmallow Pops Recipe

Apple Marshmallow Pops Recipe
If you are planning a fall party or gathering, or just want to make a special treat for your family, consider making a batch or two of these apple marshmallow pops. Not only are they adorable, they are delicious! These yummy pops could work with a Halloween or Thanksgiving theme too! For decorations to match a fall party theme, try browsing fun local stores, or looking online at companies like Shutterfly. You can create custom plates, cups, and coasters to match any party idea you’re going for.
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