Make Your Groceries Last Longer

Make Your Groceries Last Longer

I ran across this collection of tips and I had to share. I love all of these tips shared by Buzzfeed which include 27 Ways To Make Your Groceries Last As Long As Possible. You will want to do like me and read through this list and make a note of most of them. I have a horrible memory so maybe I will print them out and hang them on my fridge. 🙂

I especially love the tips about storing onions in pantyhose, using a paper towel to keep lettuce fresh, and wrapping bananas with plastic wrap. What is your favorite tip? Do you have a tip to share? Please feel free to leave your tips in the comment section here.

       …. Read all of the tips

4 thoughts on “Make Your Groceries Last Longer

  1. Treena

    Great list. I am going to have to remember to tip about freezing green onions in a plastic bottle. It seems I never have fresh ones when I want them.

    1. Mother Post author

      Isn’t that the truth Treena! I like the idea of hanging up the onions in pantyhose too. 🙂

  2. Becky

    I have a tips to share! Store your potatoes in a cool and dry place. Add an apple or two (it helps them stay fresh longer and helps prevent sprouting)

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