Tag Archives: outdoors

30 Creative DIY Ways to Plant a Garden

I love planting and I love being creative so I had a ton of fun looking for some creative ways to plant a garden.

30 Creative DIY Ways to Plant a Garden

Every other year, I have planted a garden plot that is about 50 feet wide and 100 feet long. Now that all of my kids are grown and gone though, it hardly seems necessary — especially since we spend a lot of time at our cabin during the summer months. I figured I would try to make my planting somewhat portable this year and that is what inspired me to search out all of these ideas. Of course, not all of these amazing DIY projects are portable, but they are all creative!
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11 Ways to Use Baking Soda in Your Garden

11 Ways to Use Baking Soda in Your Garden

Awhile back, I posted a collection of 15 ways to clean around your house using baking soda. Now that the weather here is getting nice and I am itching to get out in my garden, I thought I would do a little research about different uses for baking soda in the garden.

Here is what I was able to learn… It is still a bit early for me to get out in my garden, but I hope to try these all soon!
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Camping on a Budget

Camping on a Budget

Camping is great way to relax and regroup from the grind of your busy, everyday lifestyle but, if we are not careful, it can put a crimp in the family budget. Don’t mark camping off the list of things to do just because there is a cost. If you careful and plan in advance, your family will enjoy camping on a budget — you can keep the cost down and your stress level too.
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15 DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

15 DIY Fairy Garden Ideas

The last time I walked through my favorite craft store, I noticed that they had an entire aisle devoted to adorable items you could use in a fairy garden. I wanted to buy at least one of each thing! I did manage too drag myself away without any of it once I convinced myself I could make a fairy garden using stuff I already had at home.

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